duolog design



We are Duolog

Ocean and Owen are experienced, award-winning industrial designers and delivered many successful and profitable products. Since 2016, they started Duolog Design to create innovative products from everyday objets, furniture, consumer goods to smart appliances. Duolog is a dynamic and energetic team with interdiscipline experts across Research, Strategy, Industrial Design and Branding to deliver innovative products that integrated hardware, software, service components, and progressive aesthetics.




好說設計為旅居美國西雅圖設計師歐世勛返台設立,以循環設計產品與商業模式為主的設計服務公司。 歐世勛曾為手機品牌HTC設計經理,超過十年的經驗主導多款旗艦機種的設計研發,並曾獲得多項國際大獎如德國IF金獎與美國IDSA銀獎,2016在西雅圖成立設計公司Duolog Design,專為新創公司執行產品與品牌之規劃與設計,藉由多年國際品牌設計研發經驗,從品牌設計,使用者研究,概念創新,UI/UX,製造研發到量產執行提供End to End整合性服務


All Copyright Reserved by Duolog Design LLC / 好說設計有限公司